[vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”Q. How often should I get my oil changed?” el_class=”centertext”]As a standard practice at many lube shops is to suggest oil changes every three months or 50,000 – 75,000 kilometers. In order to know when the best time to get your oil changed is, check the owner’s manual of your specific model for manufacturer-recommended intervals.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Q: Should I worry about servicing my leased truck?”]A: Even if you lease a vehicle, you are responsible for the servicing, maintenance and repairs required to keep the vehicle in good working order as outlined in the owner’s manual.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Q: How often should my truck’s engine tune up be done ?”]A: Your truck’s engine tune up should be done after every 1,50,000 kilometers. However every manufacturer is different. You should consult your owner’s manual to determine the correct replacement interval.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Q: Do I need to charge my battery after I jump-start my truck?”]A: Yes, you need to charge your truck’s battery after the jump -start of your truck otherwise your truck’s battery will be dead and it wont work for you.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row]